Theo Parrish Japan Tour 2023 in Osaka
OPEN 22:00
DOOR ¥5,000-
ADV ¥4,000-
U23 ¥3,000-
at club JOULE
DJ :
Theo Parrish
YAMA(Newtone Records)
SHUN145 (tide and time / Jazzy Sport Kyoto)
PA :
Theo Parrish (Sound Signature / from Detroit)
デトロイトに拠点をおくDJ/プロデューサー、Theo Parrish(セオ・パリッシュ)。
ロンドンのクラブPlastic Peopleでのレギュラーを終え、
数多くのMIXを発表しているが、オフィシャルなMIX CDとして『Black Jazz Signature』、『DJ-Kicks Detroit Forward』をリリースしている。
“Love of the music should be the driving force of any producer, performer or DJ. Everything else stems from that core, that love. With that love, sampling can become a method of tasteful assembly, collage, as opposed to a creative crutch, plagiarism. Using this same understanding openly & respectfully, can turn DJing into spiritual participation. It can turn a few hours of selection into essential history, necessary listening through movement.”(Theo Parrish)「音楽への愛」こそがプロデューサー、パフォーマー、
Theo Parrish (Sound Signature / from Detroit)
Theo Parrish was born in Washington D.C. in 1972 and raised in Chicago, IL where his passion for music developed. MIles Davis, Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix, Nina Simone, George Gershwin, Bob Marley, as well as his uncle, jazz musician Dexter Sims, all had strong influences on Theo‘s early musical life. Chicago’s radio influences and House artists such as Ron Hardy , Larry Heard, Lil Louis, Farley Jackmaster Funk, Gene Hunt , Mike Dunn, Frankie Knuckles , Walter Get Down Brown and Andre Hatchett, helped to spawn Mr. Parrish‘s early career.
He began spinning and producing tracks in 1986, at the age of thirteen… After graduating from the Academy for the Arts, he recieved a scholarship to the Kansas City Art Institute where his interest in music was taken to a new level through his study of sculpture. In 1994, he recieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from KCAI with a concentration in Sound Sculpture, a form of orchestrationusing live instruments, looped recordings, the human voice, and numerous other sound generating devices. While in Kansas CIty, Theo continued to impact and be impacted by dance music, helping to bring a dormant underground music scene to life. In 1994, Theo Parrish moved to Michigan where he became heavily involved in Detroit’s underground music scene. Producing music and delivering his unique and dynamic sets in venues throughout the Detroit and surrounding areas, as well as abroad he has gained the attention and respect of dj’s, producers, listeners and dnancers worldwide.

YAMA (Newtone Records)

SHUN145 (tide and time / Jazzy Sport Kyoto)
Jazzy Sport Kyotoのバイヤーを勤め、DNA Paradiseをホームに野外/
またDNA Paradiseにて毎新月・満月に開催される”tide and time”の広解釈アンビエント会”新月のアンビエント”
近年では京都発“SENNJU”からMix CDを発表し、Noods Radioや Balamii Radio ,Worldwide FM,など様々なメディアにミックスを提供している。